Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm not trying to state the obvious here...

...because it's too easy to put the obvious ones in the box.  This one can't escape for long, though, and is a prime example of the requirements of what needs to be sent to Abu Dhabi forever and ever and ever.

That's quite the freeze-frame image for Youtube to select.  However, the Naked Cowboy does have one thing in common with the song and artist that have been selected - both are displaying their junk in public.

Nickelback, in my mind, is everything that is wrong with music today.  Boring, uninspired, mind-numbing lyrics.  Cliches out the ass.  And, of course, they think they're the greatest thing in the world.  If you disagree, they'll try to set you straight (note - I can't find the footage right now of Chad Kroeger attacking that dude for saying to his face that they suck, but as soon as I do, it'll be posted here).

Anyway, Rock Star isn't their only bad song:

That's right - they've made more than one shitty song!  In fact, I'd be willing to bet if you looked through their catalog, you'd find nothing BUT bad songs.  I hope you have warmer weather clothes, guys, because Abu Dhabi's climate is a bit different from Vancouver.

Then again, it doesn't matter where we ship them, because it looks like we're not the only ones with this opinion:

Ladies and gentlemen, the first full catalog to get packed away - Nickelback.  See ya, guys.  I almost wish things had ended on better terms...for you at least.  These terms are perfect for us.


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