Tuesday, May 17, 2011

So bad, it was never on an album

I think I am going to take a page out of Matt's playbook here and throw something in the box by an Artist that I enjoy a lot. I know what it feels like to have a particular artist be the "be all, end all" for yourself. As a guitar player and a songwriter, the field is very wide with people that I consider some of the greats. Neil Young, as some would call him "The Godfather of Grunge", played a significant role for me as a teen when I was into a lot of the alternative music scene. He was accepted by them, so I dived deep into his library of music and found just some great classic tracks that are still fantastic to this day. As I become an adult, Paul Simon is also another name that springs to mind. When I was younger, Simon and Garfunkel really didn't do it for me, but I don't know if I have matured, or if I just get it now, but Paul Simon's music really just does it for me. But one guy has them all beat on my end when it comes to just everything.

Hey look, it's Bruce.

Yes, when it comes down to it, I am as big of a Bruce Springsteen fan as it gets. I'm sure some people can say I bring it up at nausea sometimes. But it's just that I found him out in a point in my life where I could actually relate to the things that he was saying. As goofy as that phrase always sounds, it really was true.

So I guess this brings me to the hard part. I don't know if my distaste for this one song is bad that I just want to eliminate it from Bruce's roster of songs. If the fact that this is sometimes the only Springsteen song you will hear on some radio stations, and I'd kill for some "Rosalita" or "Blinded by the Light (the original, not the Manfred Mann bullshit)" on these stations. Maybe it has something to do with me not liking artists to specifically trying new things to see how they sound. Or maybe its the fact that after I hear the chorus, I feel like I wanna throw myself off a bridge for getting it stuck in my head.

I'm sorry to have to post this. But my entry into the box...is Pink Cadillac.

The B-side of the Dancing in the Dark single, Pink Cadillac is the worst FUCKING Springsteen song in his whole library. And that's saying a lot. This is coming from the same artist that gave us "Lucky Town".

So.....gonna rock the Terminator 2 shades eh Bruce?

Be that as it may. Pink Cadillac hits you like a bad nostalgia trip. The rockabilly styled guitar that would make Brian Setzer blush, he spends the entire time comparing the girl to the car, and the car to the girl, back and forth and back and forth. At this rate I listen to the song and say to myself, "I liked it better the first time, when it was called Thunder Road....and Born to Run....and Racing In The Streets....and the video for I'm on Fire....and Incident on 57th Street...AND EVERY OTHER FUCKING SONG YOU'VE WROTE!"

But do you know all I hear on some radio stations....

I love you for your Pink Cadillac, crushed velvet seats
riding in the back, oozing down the street
waving to the girls, feeling out of sight
spending all my money on a Saturday night
honey I just wonder what you do there in the back of your Pink Cadillac, Pink Cadillac

Maybe I'm just bitter cause I'd love to hear other awesome Bruce stuff on the radio, but I just can't stand this song, and If I had to get rid of one of his to rid the world of, and I had to choose, Abu Dhabi enjoy this, cause I will be happy never seeing that fucking car ever again.

**Note I am aware "Pink Cadillac" was released on the "Tracks" album, but you know what I mean.**

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